Thursday, August 30, 2012

Big Sister Mila: 20 weeks and counting

 Today was the big day, we had our 20 week anatomy scan and we decided to bring Mila. At first we debated if it would be too much for her and if something went wrong how would we be able to handle it with Mila in the room, but we decided it would be so cool for her to see. She was so great.  She sat patiently the whole time and watched the doctor scan my belly, even giving me kisses at times to see how I was doing. Of course we had so much anxiety with this scan, since we found out with Mila at 20 weeks that she only had one functioning kidney, but the doctor reassured us that from what she saw the baby looks healthy. Tonight at dinner Mila told us her favorite part of the day was seeing the baby in mommy's belly and it just melted our hearts.
Mila is going to be such an amazing big sister... we can't wait! And no, we didn't find out the sex... it will be such a fun surprise!

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