Friday, November 30, 2012

The best place to view the Hollywood sign!

Growing up visiting California every summer, we always dreamed of seeing the Hollywood sign. Throughout the years visiting we took multiple day trips with our friends to LA to sight see,  many trips to see the Hollywood sign so it was only fitting that when my sister and niece came to visit we took them to see the famous sign. Let me tell you after all these years, I've never seen it this close either and I was equally as excited as my niece to be so close.  Google is my best friend... I found the street that would take us right to the viewing place and even though at the turn of the main road it clearly stated there was no access to view the sign we kept on driving up the hill to find a ton of tourists, sight seeing buses and people just as excited to see the famous bold letters. Here are a few pics of Mila, her cousin and aunty enjoying the nice weather and having a little fun as we all shared a little LA love.

A visit to the dentist

We recently took Mila to see a pediatric dentist for her first dentist visit. I was apprehensive at first, scared what the dentist was going to say about Mila's bad habit (the paci) and worried how Mila was going to behave. Mila's never one who wants to sit still for long, usually a visit to the doctor is quick and she can explore the room playing with toys or a coloring book so she's occupied long enough to get the visit done without her melting with impatience, boredom and stir craziness. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the visit and absolutely loved the dentist. We had a long wait before we saw the dentist which made me feel antsy, but the lobby had enough toys to keep Mila busy for hours. Once she was placed in the dentists chair, she had picked out a Dora video that she could view from her seat and she was settled in nice and cozy. Mila was a perfect little angel and engaged in the dental hygienists demo of brushing her teeth and finding all the sugar bugs. I pretty much had an out of body experience watching my daughter sit still for as long as she did but I was totally impressed with their techniques and tricks so I wasn't complaining. The dentist was amazing and had Mila help her with the cleaning which kept her engaged to sit long enough to finish the cleaning and flossing.
We walked out learning that Mila did indeed need to get rid of her habit, we need to loose the thick plastic sippy cups we use and she needs to brush her teeth twice a day and floss at night. Extremely helpful and a great start to good teeth... now wish us luck with the removal of the paci!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Update on the backpack

We still take it to school every day. In it Mila has an Elmo doll, a ball, a crumpled piece of paper and a little dog she received at the doctor for getting her flu shot... all important items for school.
It's hilarious!

Annual Kidney Check Up

Mila recently had her annual kidney check up to see how her right kidney was growing and she was such an angel. I was a little anxious taking her to get her ultrasound since she's not really one to sit still but she was so good throughout the check up that I was so surprised. The nurse was so impressed with her behavior and I told her when she was finished she could get a treat. I actually think Mila was so good throughout the ultrasound because she came with Fab to see the 20 week ultrasound of the baby and she remembered the similarities.
So far Mila's right kidney looks great and is growing and her left kidney is still there but not taking away from the right kidney's growth. We don't have to go back to the kidney specialist for another year which we are super happy about!